Genesis 1 & 2
Genesis 1:2… “And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep. and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.”Does God look at me sometimes and see that? When I’m down or away from the Lord, my life feels formless… and void… and darkness surrounds me. Yet I know He is still there.. or I REALIZE He is still there. His Spirit hovers over me! Praise God! May His Spirit always hover over me. Another word for hovering in this text is “moving.” Even in what looks like the darkest calmest night, His Spirit… God… is moving in my life. I may not see it. I may not feel it. But when I think He is a million miles away He is there… hovering over me… singing over me while I sleep.
Genesis 1:3….. “And then God said, Let there be light.” Hallelujah! all it takes is one Word from God–whether it is from those written pages of His word or something He speaks to my Spirit. One Word from Him changes the darkness into night!
You know, I wasn’t sure where to start when I decided to dive back into the Word, so I picked Genesis. But I somehow thought… “well, I’ll dig my way through the Old Testament and we’ll see.” I erroneously thought I’d be bored… and look!! I’ve been enormously blessed and I’m only on verse 3.
v.4… “And there was evening, and there was morning… one day.” A day in my life… or a season if you will… requires darkness. And the darkness, or my trial time, comes right before my daybreak. There’s also a saying that says “It’s always darkest right before the dawn.”.. and I guess that’s also a way of saying “Don’t give up on the brink of a miracle.” Daylight will come… it always does. God has ordained it that way.
v. 6 – 10… God is a God of ORDER… with everything in its place. I so need to imitate that character of God.
Genesis 2… Adam was alone when God gave the order about the tree in the midst of the garden… which means Adam had to pass the info on to Eve. Did Adam add words? Is that why Eve added words? Satan told Eve that she would be like God, knowing good and evil. But what she knew after she ate was “shame” and guilt”… because her eyes were truly opened?? NO… because satan is a liar. Her own disobedience brought the shame and guilt upon herself. I am familiar with those consequences in my own disobedience. So often I look back and think “Why did I not obey when I first heard from God?” .. then there I am… miles further down the road… twisted in vines and deep grasses because I ventured off the path.
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