Genesis 9
The flood is over… the water has receded… and Noah and the family are able to put their toes on green grass once again. In His great love and mercy, God promises to never destroy the earth by way of a flood… ever again. The rainbow is set high in the sky. The rainbow is a sign…. a sign for those of us who wonder. When the rains pound and pour on our lives… “What are you up to God? Should I be seeking shelter?” But in that sky, somewhere, where the rain gets a glimpse of the mercy light, there is a rainbow.
In my hometown we are no strangers to floods. We have had them so severe that they have changed the skyline and the landscape of the community forever.
This is our main street…. covered in water… smothered in silence. It almost looks peaceful… but during that moment of the flood, waters were raging. Fear was building in people’s hearts… tears falling from their eyes. The flood was here. And while God had promised to never flood the earth again… our world was definitely flooded. It’s hard to grasp God… and His plan… in a moment of devastation. World’s are torn apart and we are not able to imagine that there could somehow be a greater good.
I wonder if those thoughts plagued Noah during his long stay on the ark. What good can possibly come of this? We will be alone… when that door opens… we will be stepping out into silence.
But God was there to greet them. He kept them afloat in the flood… and brought them back to dry ground. He gave them instructions for the future (be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth). He gave them purpose.
God keeps us all afloat during life’s floods. Though they are painful… and frustrating… and we try to figure out WHY we are going through them. The fact is, it is not our job to determine what the “greater good” might be. Our job is to stay in the boat and trust Him ’til our feet are on dry ground once again. His purpose will always prevail. His purpose will ultimately be revealed. We are to let the light of love and mercy and yes, gratitude, penetrate the clouds during the pounding of the rain. That ray of light has to mix with that moisture to produce the promise.
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